Born in 1986 in Brasília, recorder and traverso player Meila Tomé moved to Belgium in 2004 to study at the Lemmensinstituut in Leuven (after having been accepted as a student by the Koninkljik Conservatorium van Brussel as well). In June 2007 concluded the Bachelor Degree in Music under the orientation of Bart Coen with the Highest Distinction. Because of her brilliant results as a student, and her development as a great soloist, Meila continued to perfect her skills as a recorder player at the Lemmensinstituut with the orientation of Bart Coen, Bart Spanhove and Koen Dieltiens. For the whole duration of her Master studies, Meila had scholarship from the school board for her merits as a leading student. Under the orientation of Koen Dieltiens, she had her musicological research on “Georg Philipp Telemann: the problematic in Telemann’s instrumental compositions with a focus on the recorder works“. In May 2009 finished the Master Degree with the Highest Distinction. In September 2009, Meila went to study one year in ESMAE (Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo)with the Erasmus European Program, starting with a new Master Studie. There, she had classes with all the teachers of the Early Music department, since her subject of studies were no longer focused on the recorder, but on Chamber Music. In 2012, Meila finished her Bachelor Degree in Traverso with the Highest Distinction in the class of Frank Theuns.


During her conservatory years, attended master classes with Dorothee Oberlinger, Peter Van Eyghem, Adrian Brown, Sigiswald Kuijken and Tomma Wessel. In the last 6 years Meila performed with the Atelie OudeMuziek under the direction of Erik Van Nevel, with concerts throughout Belgium; performed as soloist in the Telemann ciclus concerts of Hildebrandt Consort directed by Wouter Dekoninck; performed with Ensemble Camerata Vocale directed by Philippe de Clerck; and performed as a soloist on different occasions with the Lemmensinstituut orchestra. She also formed two groups while a student in Belgium, SamBarok and Telemannia, and with both had the opportunity of playing in Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Brazil and Serbia.  


It was as a six-year-old that meila started to take regular recorder lessons with Fátima Gouvêa. From 1994 to1996 studied viola da gamba with Cecília Aprigliano. Also studied clarinet from 1998 until 2000 with José Nogueira Júnior. In 2000 started having classes with Karla Dias and Fernando Lopes. With ten began to participate in early music festivals in Juiz de Fora and Brasília. In such occasions worked with Rafael Palácios, Karla Dias, Fernando Lopes, Flávio Stein, Alessandro Santoro, Luis Otávio Santos, Natalia Chain, Homero de Magalhães Filho and Ricardo Kanji.


Meila also dedicates herself to Brazilian music performance. She was born into a family of musicians, and was directly involved on it since birth. Her first performance, at the age of six, happened in Brasília. She uniquely plays Choro with the recorder, having on her repertory highly solistic pieces, like 1x0, Espinha de bacalhau, Gargalhada, O Gato e o Canário, etc. Participated of the recording of João Tomé CD called “Piquenique” and on the CD of Evandro Silva in 2004. 


Since 2010 Meila lives in Novi Sad, Serbia, where she founded VEMA [Vojvodinian Early Music Association] together with other people who are interested in other forms of classical music, open for different ways of interpretation and aproach towards each individual composition. They now organize Vojvodina's first Early Music festival: Days of Baroque Music in Novi Sad.